Knickers in a Bunch Juried National Women’s Art Show
Prospectus – this prospectus is being changed to reflect the 2025 show confirmed scheduled to exhibit mid-March to mid-April 2025 at the Kathrin Cawein gallery in Forest Grove, OR. Come back March 10 to submit.
The plan: The 2025 juried show will hang for one month mid-March to mid-April at the Kathrin Cawein gallery in Forest Grove, Oregon. comprised of artworks and short prose inspired by a list of single word prompts. No fee to enter, sales commission rates listed below. Donations to advertising always welcome.

- Read and follow this full prospectus
- Pick a prompt & fill out the entry form
- Make or find the work
- Email a quality image to
- Be ready to deliver / ship originals for in-person exhibit (if also participating this way and accepted)
- Online Submissions – Start March 8, 2023 (International Women’s Day) – End when enough artists enter for a deck or show. Next rolling deadline July 2, 2023 11:59PM Pacific.
- Jurors vote one week after entries close.
- Notifications and originals request (where applicable*) by midnight two weeks after entries close.
- In person exhibit TBD (*originals will not be requested until a venue is secured)
- Originals returned and commissions paid within 30 days of in-person exhibition close and / or oracle deck sales (if applicable)
Additional Info:
- Limit 3 entries regardless of medium and type of entry (only one will be chosen to be included in the oracle deck and in person exhibit)
Open to ALL women 18+ years of age residing in the US who can meet the submission criteria. Work must be your original creation or photo of the original, no copies of other artist’s work. (AI assisted work will be considered) No restriction on creation date, work cannot be a previous entry to any Knickers in a Bunch call or exhibit. Submissions will not be censored for adult themes or potentially offensive content. Limit 3 entries per person regardless of media type. Disproportionately underrepresented artists, such as Native, Black, non-Black POC, Disabled, and LGBTQIA+ are encouraged to apply.
Online Show (not juried): All quality two-dimensional, digital, and three-dimensional works in .jpg or .jpeg format which adequately represent one of the word prompts, or a preapproved word of choice may be submitted.
Oracle deck (juried): All two-dimensional, digital, and three-dimensional works in .jpg or .jpeg format which adequately represent one of the word prompts, and are files of sufficient size and resolution are edible for jury. (In order to be selected for oracle deck production, artwork must be able to be cropped to rounded corner 3.5″ x 5″ and still retain its overall meaning and quality resolution. 10MB image max (minimum 3.75 X 5.25 inch or 1125 x 1575 pixels, 300 ppi)
In Person Show (juried): All two-dimensional, unframed, 11″ x 14″ or smaller originals adequately representing one of the word prompts, or a preapproved word of choice are eligible to be juried for an in person exhibit. Originals delivered to in-person exhibit MUST BE FOR SALE, online and deck artwork originals do not have to be available for purchase.
Short Prose (juried): Prose may be used in any of the above exhibition methods and must be based on one of the word prompts, or a preapproved word choice. Prose must be sent typed via email to, provided either in the body or as a PDF attachment, and must include all of the following for the prompt:
– Which word prompt the prose describes
– Card meaning, one paragraph. (each theme word has its own card* and includes calls to action)
– Insight from your essence, one paragraph. (oracle decks and soul cards usually have an additional descriptive paragraph that may emphasize the overall meaning or message)
– Validation, one sentence. (this is akin to an affirmation, blessing, encouragement, or one sentence summary of the soul desire)
*In order for prose to be selected for the oracle deck, submissions must be well written and either free of spelling and grammatical errors, or revised at organizer’s request. A conceptual sample of a card and accompanying prose is at the bottom of this page. Prose writers are welcome to refer to any spiritual or religious entity they choose.
2023’s theme is based on a list of word prompts meant to elicit ideas of femininity, emotion, power, and connection. If enough women participate, we will produce an Oracle cards deck that includes the visual depictions along with an accompanying prose-filled guidebook. The final number of works chosen to be included depend on the number of submissions, juror choices, and the likelihood the artwork will fit within the card restraints while still retaining its meaning.
The main show sponsor is artist April Hoff and her teaching business, Artingales. You may see correspondence or show related publications from Artingales and owner April Hoff. Additional sponsors are welcome to donate to support advertising and card production, or tip specific artists. Business sponsor inquiries should be directed to for more information.
Limit 3 entries regardless of medium and entry category. All work must be submitted as an image or prose via email AFTER completing the entry form. It may take April, organizer, up to one week to reply and acknowledge receiving your entry and images. (It is likely only one entry per artist will be chosen to be included in the oracle deck and the in person exhibit, though three may be submitted for jury and online display.)
Artists who submit to the Knickers in a Bunch call grant Artingales, April Hoff, and the Knickers in a Bunch show a non-exclusive license to use images of submitted artworks and submitted prose in facilitation of the jury process and exhibition. Uses may include but are not limited to: marketing the exhibition, public display online and in person during show dates AND as part of past exhibition archives, optimization and image cropping to meet printed card requirements, offer for sale reproductions included as part of the oracle card deck or in-person exhibit where an original is not provided; subject to stated commission rates, and submission to 3rd parties only to achieve the aforementioned objectives. Artists grant the use of their image as stated without further contact or additional compensation. Artists retain full copyright of their images, granting only limited license-for-use and reproduction as outlined.
April Hoff, show organizer and professional artist, has an interdisciplinary fine arts degree with emphasis in painting and drawing, and secondary focus in printmaking and ceramics. She shows internationally, teaches various art media to kids and adults, and has a newfound passion for organizing pop-up art shows to give emerging and experienced artists an opportunity to show professionally. She owns Artingales, co-founded Wingtip Press, and co-organizes the 97116 Art Show.
Amy Nack, co-founder of Wingtip Press Printmaking Studio, teaches printmaking as adjunct professor for Boise State University. Nack received her BFA in Printmaking and BA in Art History from Boise State University in 2008 after a three decade career in paper and graphics marketing, she is currently working on her masters in art education. Amy is internationally recognized as the organizer of Wingtip Press’ annual Leftovers print exchange which has shown in the United States, New Zealand, Wales, Australia, and China.
Emily Lux is a native Oregonian painter, illustrator, educator, and organizer. She earned her BFA at the Pacific Northwest College of Art, MAT at Pacific University. She has participated in shows both locally and internationally, including in Rome, Italy and Daegu, South Korea. She served on the Forest Grove Public Arts Commission for six years, with a primary focus in murals and public art. Emily is passionate in her goal to spread the idea that art belongs everywhere, in multiple forms, and should be accessible to everyone.
Two additional guest jurors, may be selected from the arts and other professions to cast their votes.
Upon delivery, artwork should be unframed, no more than 11″ x 14″ in size and weighing no more than 5 lbs. All work must be labeled on the back with artist’s name, title of artwork, medium and price. An extra label with duplicate information should be included for use as a show card.
Since this is also an online exhibit, only good quality, well lit, properly cropped images should be submitted.
Do not ship artwork until requested. Artist is responsible for transit of accepted artwork to and from the Knickers in a Bunch show, and may assign an alternate person. Upon delivery, artwork should be in presentable condition. If artwork must be shipped, please utilize reusable packaging and include a prepaid return shipping label. Work must be professionally packed for safe shipping. Works must arrive during the show’s intake period, dates will be provided in acceptance email. April Hoff retains final judgment of artwork’s suitability for display once received.
If you wish to enter using a pseudonym, please provide that information during online entry, but you must use a working email for communication and sales commission payout. Do not enter other identifying information in the additional notes section of the submission form if you want to remain anonymous.
No fee to submit, artists who choose to participate in the exhibition of originals may incur shipping costs to and from the show.
Artingales, April Hoff, and Knickers in a Bunch assumes no liability for theft, loss, or damages caused by participating in the online exhibition, or during shipment of originals to and from exhibition. Artists are encouraged to add insurance to all shipped items. Knickers in a Bunch will insure 70% of stated value for only one original artwork per artist up to a maximum of $150, provided a value is declared, the artwork is received in excellent condition, and it meets the size limitations. Coverage is only in effect while the work is in Knickers in a Bunch possession and ends after the last pick up date, or return shipment date. Reproductions printed by Knickers in a Bunch will not be covered for theft, loss, or damages. All participating artists acknowledge they are rightful owners of the work submitted, are in agreement with exhibition policy and requirements, and assume all liability for copyright claims brought against their submissions.
Sales are not guaranteed, and depend on quality of artwork / images, and public demand. [a] In the event of original sales, the artist will receive 70% of sale price (set by the artist) and Knickers in a Bunch will retain a 30% commission to cover advertising, display, and venue. [b] In the event of reproduction sales, the artist will receive 50% of proceeds (after cost of printing) and Knickers in a Bunch will retain a 50% commission to cover processing, advertising, and display. Artists may specify reproduction sales price or allow April to set one in line with other artists’ work. [b] In the event of oracle deck sales, 50% of proceeds (after cost of production) will be divided evenly among artists selected for deck inclusion, and Knickers in a Bunch will retain a 50% commission of proceeds to cover advertising, assembly, and packaging time. Payment from sales will be made to the artist via CashApp, Venmo, PayPal, or business check no later than (30) days following exhibition close, except where inaccurate contact information has been provided.
None of the word prompts are meant to support or exclude any particular religious or cultural practice. Instead the list is meant to be inspiring and as inclusive as possible, while still allowing artists to submit their own word ideas. April’s hope is that all participating artists will avoid problematic appropriation and co-opting of marginalized or oppressed groups’ practices and/or iconography. Because April has a commitment to deconstruct colonizing mentality and systems of white supremacy, she welcomes critical feedback and the opportunity to learn and change if any part of Knickers in a Bunch goes against those goals.
Phone: April Hoff 503-929-4088 (texts welcome)